Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Playroom Makeover.

Hi Friends, I had the pleasure of doing a playroom closet this week. My client and I talked about the issues she was having with it and how she would like to use it. The first things she said was that she wanted to be able to access more and easily. The next part of that is she wanted to get rid of the unnecessary clutter and not spend money on baskets unless I thought she really needed them.

First I'm going to explain how I started the process of organizing it.

1.The first thing I do is I see what kind of storage and space we have. As you can see the closet is big and has enough deep shelf storage.

2. Next I pulled everything out.

The next step that I did was I went through everything and organized by item.

This is what the closet looked like when I pulled everything out.

After I organized and pulled everything out. I put away everything that we kept. I Always have a trash bag and a donation bag. Here is the final walkthrough I did with my client. 

We have 5 shelves. The top 2 I put things that my clients daughters would have to have help or ask to 
do that activity. The next 4 shelves the girls can easily reach but can do that activity or game that they would like to do that day. 
The last thing I did was take the everyday arts&crafts downstairs to a cabinet near the table and kitchen. This space has crafts that the girls have to ask for or to do. but very easy access for mom when she's in need for a activity. 

Hope you guys enjoyed this post. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments! Enjoy,Carly

Saturday, February 15, 2020



Don't Love school shopping? too busy to do some Christmas shopping ? realize that your kids winter clothes are too small. but don't have the time to buy or go through what they actually need?!?  

You give me a list of things your kiddos need. I will shop. Then bring to you or Ship. 







New Moms? overwhelmed with what to get/do? 

I'M here to help you register/buy what you need for your babe. 

First Step. We will talk about your lifestyle/ what you have so far for your babe. 

I will come up with a registry plan/list of things to buy. 

Then we will meet and shop or I will shop and come to you and we will talk about what else you and your spouse still need. 

next I will help you set up your baby's new room or area. organize all of the things. 



The Circle. 

This service includes.. 

Everything but the kitchen sink... 




We will go through the spaces together and figure out the best plan to redo/organize the space. 

I will then take all of the unwanted out of your hands so you don't have to worry about it. 
