Sunday, March 8, 2020

My Top 5 Favorite Baskets for your home.

Here are my Top 5 baskets that I love for any space in my house. When it comes to storing things I always try and think about these 3 things.. 

1. FUNCTION- is it easy for me to grab if its up high and also I want it to be able to hold a lot if I have a small space.

2.STYLE- Yes I know! this is silly but if you are putting it in your family room where everyone will see it then. You want it to look cute and not put a bright colored one that looks ugly. 

3.QUALITY- I want my baskets to last forever! I try and shop at places that I know that I can either get the same new ones or find something alike. 

My favorite places to shop for baskets and storage are... 

1. Target 

Here are my favorites.